Requirements for membership at Westpoint Baptist Church:
- Have been saved by the grace of God through faith in the person and finished works of Jesus Christ on the cross.
- Have been baptised as a believer.
- Have attended Westpoint Baptist Church for 6 months or more and have gone through membership classes.
- Accept the declaration for new members as stated below.
Westpoint Baptist Church declaration for new members (2019)
I, __________________________________, declare before God that:
- I am a believer in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. I believe that Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation and that no other way, including all other religions, can save us from sin and the wrath of God to come.
- I am legally married to my spouse, who I am currently living with.
- I am not living together with, as husband and wife, and having sexual relationships with anyone who is not my spouse whether on randomly once-off occasions or as a long term illicit relationship.
- I believe that homosexuality is a sin and I do not practice a homosexual lifestyle.
- I am not involved in child abuse.
- I do not take drugs in any form other than for medicinal purposes.
- I do not get drunk on alcohol.
- I am not, and never will be, involved in any fraudulent activities, including the giving of small bribes and extorting money from others.
- I am not involved in pornography in any form.
- I am not a member of another church.
If I have been involved in any of the above activities, from clause 3 to 9, in the past they have been legally and morally dealt with and I don’t have any of the above issues outstanding to deal with at present.
I declare the above to be true in my life.