Westpoint Baptist Mission Statement
Mission Statement: A diverse family of Christlike believers glorifying God by caring for one another and reaching Laudium and beyond with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Going on to maturity - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes) (Christlike believers)
- Diversity in the body of Christ: multicultural - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 20MB) (Notes) (Diverse)
- Diversity in the body of Christ: personality and gifting - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes) (Diverse)
- Diversity in the body of Christ: socio-economic - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes) (Diverse)
- A family of believers - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes) (Family)
- The church - a caring community of believers - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 20MB) (Notes) (Caring for one another)
- The church and the local community - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes) (Reaching Laudium)
- The church and the nations - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes) (Reaching beyond with the Gospel of Jesus Christ)
The letter to the Colossians
- Rescued from the dominion of darkness - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)
- The deliverer and the deliverance - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)
- Servants of the Church - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)
- Rooted in Christ - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)
- Fullness in Christ - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)
- A Christ centred reality - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)
- Living lives hidden in Christ - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)
- Godly family relationships - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)
- Christians and slavery - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)
- Relating to God and man - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)
The Good Shepherd
- The Lord is my Shepherd - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)
- The Lord is my Provider - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)
- The Lord is my Comforter - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)
- The Lord is my Guide - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)
- The Lord is my Protector - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)
- The Lord is my sustenance - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)
- The Lord is my satisfaction - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)
- The Lord is good - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)
Godly Character
Galatians 5: 22 - 23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
- Love - the very nature of God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)
- The joy of the Lord is your strength - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 11MB) (Notes)
- Peace with God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)
- The patience of the Lord and our patience - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)
- Restorative kindness - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)
- Taste and see that the Lord is good - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 11MB) (Notes)
- Faithfulness - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)
- Evident gentleness - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)
- Self-control in the face of temptation - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)
1 John
- An experiential relationship - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes) - 1 John 1: 1 - 4
- Integrity in relationships - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes) - 1 John 1: 5 - 2:2
- Non-prejudicial relationships - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes) - 1 John 2: 2 - 11
- Overcoming the world - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes) - 1 John 2: 12 - 17
- Sifting truth from falsehood - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes) - 1 John 2: 18 - 27
- Living as children of God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes) - 1 John 2: 28 - 3: 10
- The kingdom quality of love - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes) - 1 John 3: 11 - 24
- Test the spirits - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes) - 1 John 4: 1 - 6
- Traits of rebirth - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes) - 1 John 4: 7 - 21
- Traits of rebirth 2 - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes) - 1 John 5: 1 - 5
- The testimony of God about Jesus - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes) - 1 John 5: 6 - 13
- Our confidence in God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes) - 1 John 5: 14 - 21
The condition of our hearts (The parable of the sower)
- The condition of our hearts - the hard heart - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)
- The condition of our hearts - the superficial heart - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)
- The condition of our hearts - the distracted heart - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)
- The condition of our hearts - the fruitful heart - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)
Disciplines of the Christian Life
- Disciplines of the Christian life: Worship as a lifestyle - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)
- Disciplines of the Christian life: Corporate Worship - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)
- Disciplines of the Christian life: Prayer - a seeking after God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)
- Disciplines of the Christian life: The effects of prayer - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 10MB) (Notes)
- The importance of fellowship - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)
- Closet prayer - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)
- Prayer and relationships - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)
- Standing in the gap: Intercession - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)
The Bible
- The authority of the Bible - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)
- The Bible: The usefulness of scripture - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)
- The guidance of the scriptures - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)
- Diligently search the scriptures - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)
- Meditating on the scriptures - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)
Weights of the heart
- Weights of the heart (text only)
- Weights of the heart - guilt (text only)
- Weights of the heart: Shame - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)
- Weights of the heart: fear and anxiety - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)
- Weights of the heart: depression - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)
- Weights of the heart: bitterness and resentment - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)
- Weights of the heart: discontentment - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)
- Weights of the heart: pride - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)
The disciples of Jesus
- Introduction - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)
- John, the disciple whom Jesus loved - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 11MB) (Notes)
- Peter, the impulsive apostle - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)
- James, the martyr - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)
- Thomas, the doubter - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 12MB) (Notes)
- Judas, the betrayer - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)
- Paul, the transformed religious fanatic - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)
The Gospel of Matthew
- The working of God in our past - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes) - Matthew 1: 1 - 17
- Responding to the unexpected in our lives - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes) - Matthew 1: 18 - 25
- Various attitudes towards Jesus - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes) - Matthew 2: 1 - 23
- Preparing ourselves for the kingdom of God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes) - Matthew 3: 1 - 17
- Temptation - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes) - Matthew 4: 1 - 11
- Called to follow Jesus - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes) - Matthew 4: 12 - 25
- The way of divine joy - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes) - Matthew 5: 1 - 12
- Salt and light - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes) - Matthew 5: 13 - 16
- Freed from legalism - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes) - Matthew 5: 17 - 20
- Overcoming the root of anger - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes) - Matthew 5: 21 - 26
- Until death do us part, with exceptions - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes) - Matthew 5: 27 - 32
- Just be honest at all times - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 12MB) (Notes) - Matthew 5: 33 - 37
- Godly responses to antagonistic people - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes) - Matthew 5: 38 - 48
- Selfless generosity - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes) - Matthew 6: 1 - 4
- Prayer and fasting - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 19MB) (Notes) - Matthew 6: 6 - 18
- How then should we pray? The Lord's prayer - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 19MB) (Notes) - Matthew 6: 9 - 13
- Eternal treasure and temporal provision - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 19MB) (Notes) - Matthew 6: 19 - 34
- To judge or not to judge - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes) - Matthew 7: 1 - 6
- Earnest prayer - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes) - Matthew 7: 7 - 12
- A choice of two roads - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes) - Matthew 7: 13 - 23
- Building on firm foundations - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes) - Matthew 7: 24 - 29
- Loving the unlovable - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes) - Matthew 8: 1 - 4
- Finding Faith in unexpected places - Alan Wainwright (MP3)(Notes) - Matthew 8: 5 - 17
- How much does Jesus mean to you? - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7mb)(Notes) - Matthew 8: 18 - 22
- Who is this man? Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 5MB)(Notes) - Matthew 8: 23 - 27
- The revolutionary healing - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 7MB) - Matthew 8: 28 - 34 (Mark 5: 1 - 20)
- Helping others find grace in times of need - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes) - Matthew 9: 1 - 8
- Mingling with sinners - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes) - Matthew 9: 9 - 13
- New life, new ways - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes) - Matthew 9: 14 - 17
- Do you believe that Jesus is able? - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes) - Matthew 9: 18 - 34
- Touching the harassed and helpless - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes) - Matthew 9: 35 - 38
- The diversity of believers - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes) - Matthew 10:1-4
To be continued...
1 Timothy
- True love protects and confronts - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes) - 1 Timothy 1: 1 - 11
- The abundant grace of God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 20MB) (Notes) - 1 Timothy 1: 12 - 17
- Fighting life's battles - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes) - 1 Timothy 1: 18 - 20
- Salvation to godliness and holiness - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes) - 1 Timothy 2: 1 - 7
- Men and women in worship - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes) - 1 Timothy 2: 8 - 15
- The roles and functions of church leaders - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 20MB) (Notes) - 1 Timothy 3: 1 - 13
- The character of a church leader - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes) - 1 Timothy 3: 1 - 13
- The importance of right conduct and right foundations - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes) - 1 Timothy 3: 14 - 16
- Be careful not to abandon the faith - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes) - 1 Timothy 4: 1 - 10
- The inseparableness of life and doctrine - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes) - 1 Timothy 4: 11 - 16
- How we ought to treat others - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes) - 1 Timothy 5: 1 - 2
To be continued...
The Ministry of Reconciliation
- Blessed are the peacemakers - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)
- Be reconciled to God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)
- Be reconciled to one another - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)
- Communal reconciliation - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)
- The process of reconciliation - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)
Our spiritual blessings in Christ
- Our spiritual blessings in Christ - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes) - Ephesians 1: 3 – 14
- Our spiritual blessings in Christ: Chosen before the creation of the world - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes) - Ephesians 1:4-6 ; Ephesians 1:11-12
- Our spiritual blessings in Christ: A new start - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes) - Ephesians 1:7-10
- Our spiritual blessings in Christ: A place of belonging - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes) - Ephesians 1:5-6
- Our spiritual blessings in Christ: A sure hope - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 5MB)(Notes) - Ephesians 1:11-14
- Our spiritual blessings in Christ: Unity in Christ - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 5MB)(Notes) - Ephesians 1:8-10
Jesus’ prayer for believers
- Knowing God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes) - John 17:1-5
- Obedience to His word - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes) - John 17:6-8
- Glorifying Jesus - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes) - John 17:9-10
- Protected by Jesus - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes) - John 17:11-12
- Protected by Jesus - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes) - John 17:13
- In the world, but not of it - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes) - John 17:14-18
- Unity of believers - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes) - John 17:20-23
- The hope of believers - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes) - John 17:24
- Loving God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes) - John 17:25-26
- The call to discipleship - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes) - Matthew 4:18-22
- The cost of discipleship - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes) - Luke 14:25-35
- The purpose of discipleship - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes) - Romans 8:29-30
- Being before doing - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 5MB)(Notes) - John 1:12-13
- Knowing the true Jesus - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes) - 2 Corinthians 11:1-5
- Embracing God's limits on your life - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes) - 1 Corinthians 6:12
- Discovering the treasures in grief and loss - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes) - 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
- Love: the measure of spiritual maturity - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes) - John 13:34-35
- Breaking the power of the past - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 9MB)(Notes) - Philippians 3:1-16
- Passing the baton - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes) - 2 Timothy 2:1-2
Biblical Paradoxes
- God and little gods - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes) - Isaiah 45: 5 ; Psalms 82:6-7 ; John 10:34-38
- Justified by faith or by works? - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes) - Galatians 2:15-16 ; Ephesians 2:8-10 ; James 2:20-26
- Do good works in public or in secret? - Alan Wainwright (Video)(Notes) - Matthew 6:1-4 ; Matthew 5:14-16
- To test God or not to test God? - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes) - Malachi 3:10 ; Matthew 4:5-7
- Jesus came to bring peace, or the sword? - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes) - John 14:27 ; Matthew 10:34-36