
Jesus came to bring peace, or the sword? - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)


To test God or not to test God? - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)


Do good works in public or in secret? - Alan Wainwright (Video)(Notes)


Justified by faith or by works? - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)


The vocation of man - Spencer Lamula (Video)


God and little gods - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)


Change things with your words - Farai M K Sithole (Video)


The old has passed away, the new has come - Johan Naude (Video)


Topinda joy (Enter into joy)  - Spencer Lamula (Video)


Godly jealousy  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)


Righteous anger and holy discontentment  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)


The Lord is the God of our future - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)


The Lord’s Prayer - Spencer Lamula (Video)


Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem - Johan Naude (Video)


Christmas: a child's holiday - Spencer Lamula (Video)


Why Jesus was born of a virgin - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)


Discipleship praxis - Spencer Lamula (Video)


The effects of sin vs the power of the blood of Jesus - Johan Naude (Video)(Notes)


Passing the baton - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)


Breaking the power of the past - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 9MB)(Notes)


Love: the measure of spiritual maturity - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)


Discovering the treasures in grief and loss - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)


My sheep hear my voice - Graham Barlin (Video)


Embracing God's limits on your life - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)


Knowing the true Jesus - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)


Being before doing - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 5MB)(Notes)


The Bible of Israel - Spencer Lamula (Video)

The purpose of discipleship - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

The cost of discipleship - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)

Leading someone to Jesus - Johan Naude (Video)(Notes)

The call to discipleship - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

Kingdom Identity - Spencer Lamula (Video)(Notes)

The diversity of believers - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)

Loving God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

The hope of believers - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

Unity of believers - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)

In the world, but not of it - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

Filled with the joy of Jesus - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)

Protected by Jesus - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)

Glorifying Jesus - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

Obedience to His word - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

Knowing God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

Death is defeated; reigning in life - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

My death He died - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 5MB)(Notes)

The promise of the sacrifice on Mount Moriah - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

Being stewards of God's grace - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

Living a productive life - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

God is the God of the nations - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 5MB)(Notes)

The presence of Jesus reveals three types of people - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 5MB)(Notes)

The purpose of the incarnation of Christ - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

Our spiritual blessings in Christ: Unity in Christ - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 5MB)(Notes)

Our spiritual blessings in Christ: A sure hope - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 5MB)(Notes)

Our spiritual blessings in Christ: A place of belonging - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

Our spiritual blessings in Christ: A new start - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

Our spiritual blessings in Christ: Chosen before the creation of the world -  Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

Our spiritual blessings in Christ -  Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)

Touching the harassed and helpless -  Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

Do you believe that Jesus is able? -  Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

Leaning on God in tough times -  Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

So now I am saved - what now -  Johan Naude (Video)(Notes)

New life, new ways -  Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

Mingling with sinners -  Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

Helping others find grace in times of need -  Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

Who is this man? Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 5MB)(Notes)

The revolutonary healing - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 7MB)

How much does Jesus mean to you? - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7mb)(Notes)

A father's joy - Alan Wainwright (MP3)(Notes)

Finding Faith in unexpected places - Alan Wainwright (MP3)(Notes)

The promise of Pentecost - Alan Wainwright (MP3)(Notes)

The divine exchange - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 11MB)

Loving the unlovable - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

Characteristics of a healthy church - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)

Three truths of the Gospel message - Damien Ras (MP3 - 6MB)

Walking with Jesus wherever He goes - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

The implications of the resurrection - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

The theologian on the cross - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 8MB)

From prisoners of despair to prisoners of hope - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

Faith in the midst of anguish - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)

Why do bad things happen to good people? - John Naude (MP3 - 8MB)

Waiting on God - Kevin Walker (MP3 - 10MB)

The Gospel according to Mary - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 10MB)

The process of reconciliation - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)

Communal reconciliation - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)

Examine yourselves to see whether you're in the faith - Johan Naude (MP3 - 6MB)

Be reconciled to one another - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

Be reconciled to God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

Blessed are the peacemakers - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

God always makes a way - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)

Running with God's vision - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

Joy and strength in the Lord - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)

Jesus: the firstborn over all Creation - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB) (Notes)

How we ought to treat others - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The inseparableness of life and doctrine - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Be careful not to abandon the faith - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)

The importance of right conduct and right foundations - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The character of a church leader - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)

The roles and functions of church leaders - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 20MB) (Notes)

Men and women in worship - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

The three ways to eternity - Johan Naude (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Is your name covered by the blood of Jesus? - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 23MB)

Salvation to godliness and holiness - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Fighting life's battles - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The abundant grace of God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 20MB) (Notes)

True love protects and confronts - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Buidling on firm foundations part 2 - Spencer Lamula (Video)

Buidling on firm foundations - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

A choice of two roads - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Earnest prayer - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

To judge or not to judge - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Eternal treasure and temporal provision - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 19MB) (Notes)

For we are family - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 20MB)

Missions - Johan Naude (MP3 - 20MB)

How then should we pray? The Lord's prayer - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 19MB) (Notes)

Prayer and fasting - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 19MB) (Notes)

Selfless generosity - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Godly responses to antagonistic people - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Just be honest at all times - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 12MB) (Notes)

Until death do us part, with exceptions - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

A living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Reckless love - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 11MB)

Overcoming the root of anger - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Freed from legalism - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

Baptised into the body of Christ - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Salt and light - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The way of divine joy - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

It's easier for a rich man to enter heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 15MB)

Called to follow Jesus - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Temptation - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Preparing ourselves for the kingdom of God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Various attitudes towards Jesus - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Responding to the unexpected in our lives - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

The working of God in our past - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

How well do you know Jesus? - Johan Naude (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Reconciliation: the heart of Jesus' coming - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

Peace to those with whom God is pleased - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

God's unique workings in our lives - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The reason Jesus was born - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

God prepared the world for the Messiah - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Bless those who persecute you - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 21MB)

The church and the nations - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

The church and the local community - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

The church - a caring community of believers - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 20MB) (Notes)

A family of believers - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)

The Shepherd and the sheep - Alan Wainwright (Notes)

Diversity in the body of Christ: socio-economic - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Diversity in the body of Christ: personality and gifting - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Diversity in the body of Christ: multicultural - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 20MB) (Notes)

What must I do to be saved? - Johan Naude (MP3 - 25MB) (Notes)

Going on to maturity - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Living God glorifying lives - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Rejoice in suffering - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 23MB)

The disciples of Jesus: Paul, the transformed religious fanatic - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The disciples of Jesus: Judas, the betrayer - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The disciples of Jesus: Thomas, the doubter - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 12MB) (Notes)

The disciples of Jesus: James, the martyr - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The disciples of Jesus: Peter, the impulsive apostle - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The disciples of Jesus:John, the disciple whom Jesus loved - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 11MB) (Notes)

The disciples of Jesus: introduction - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Do not ignore such great a salvation - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 22MB)

Our confidence in God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The testimony of God about Jesus - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Traits of rebirth 2 - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Traits of rebirth - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Remember Lot's wife - Johan Naude (MP3 - 18MB)

Faith is superior to reason - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Knowing the power of the resurrection - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The Prodigal Father - Spencer Lamula  (MP3 - 26MB)

Weights of the heart: pride - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)

Weights of the heart: discontentment - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Weights of the heart: bitterness and resentment - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Overcoming doubt with faith - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 10MB) (Notes)

Weights of the heart: depression - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Weights of the heart: fear and anxiety - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

From barrenness to fruitfulness - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Weights of the heart: Shame - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

A voice in the wilderness - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The annunciation of the awaited Messiah - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

The baptisms of John and Jesus - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Witnesses to the ends of the earth - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)

Being salt and light in the world - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Meditating on the scriptures - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Diligently search the scriptures - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The guidance of the scriptures - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The Bible: The usefulness of scripture - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

The authority of the Bible - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Standing in the gap: Intercession - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

Prayer and relationships - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Closet prayer - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Finding refuge in the Lord - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The importance of fellowship - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Pentecost, an undoing of Babel - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 8MB) (Notes)

The church in troubled times - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 12MB) (Notes)

Worship included

Disciplines of the Christian life: The effects of prayer - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 10MB) (Notes)

Disciplines of the Christian life: Prayer - a seeking after God - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

There is a man - Spencer Lamula  (MP3 - 22MB)

Disciplines of the Christian life: Corporate Worship - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Disciplines of the Christian life: Worship as a lifestyle - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The disciplined Christian life - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The condition of our hearts - the fruitful heart - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The condition of our hearts - the distracted heart - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The condition of our hearts - the superficial heart - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The condition of our hearts - the hard heart - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Promises and warnings - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Going on to maturity - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)

The fulness of time - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Shepherds, Angels and a Baby - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Finding Jesus from afar- Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The divine forecast - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Responsibilities in the church - Gilbert Fortuin  (MP3 - 15MB)

Test the spirits - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The kingdom quality of love - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Living as children of God - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Sifting truth from falsehood - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

Overcoming the world - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Non-prejudicial relationships - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Integrity in relationships - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

An experiential relationship - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Being a church with a vision - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Spiritual gifts - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)

A Messenger of Good News - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

Defending and advancing the Gospel - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Self-control in the face of temptation - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

The years of my pilgrimage - Peter Vumisa  (Notes)

Evident gentleness - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Faithfulness - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Taste and see that the Lord is good - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 11MB) (Notes)

Restorative kindness - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

The patience of the Lord and our patience - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

Peace with God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The joy of the Lord is your strength - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 11MB) (Notes)

Love - the very nature of God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Freedom in the Spirit - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The manifold wisdom of God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

The Heart of Pentecost - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The Lord is good - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The Lord is my satisfaction - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The Lord is my sustenance - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Moving on to fruitfulness - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The Resurrection of Christ - Shayne de Lange (MP3 - 19MB)

A Commission, Doubt, and Faith - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The marks of faith in the resurrection - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

Soldiers, a sign and a son at the cross - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

A humble king and fickle praise - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Jesus, Jerusalem and Judgment - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 10MB) (Notes)

The Lord is my Protector - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The Lord is my Guide - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The Lord is my Comforter - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The Lord is my Provider - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The Lord is my Shepherd - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Upholding the righteousness of God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The compassionate Christ - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The contrasting nature of God: The Lion and the Lamb - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The call to relationship with God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The call to follow Jesus - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Fix you eyes on Jesus - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

God prepared the world for the Messiah - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Christmas: a time of comfort - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 11MB) (Notes)

The call to discipleship - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Relating to God and man - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

Christians and slavery - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)

Godly family relationships - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Living lives hidden in Christ - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

A Christ  centred reality  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Fullness in Christ  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Rooted in Christ  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Servants of the Church  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The deliverer and the deliverance  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Rescued from the dominion of darkness  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Anticipating trials  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

The wicked thrive and the righteous suffer  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

A cry for justice  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Adam: The pattern of Christ - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Adam: Consequences of disobedience - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Adam: The temptation of man - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Real Christian life - Peter Vumisa (MP3 - 22MB)

Adam: The morality of man - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Adam: The purpose of man - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Overcoming despondency - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)

Perseverance - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

God's treasured possession - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

From idolatry to serving the living and true God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

The diverse church - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)

The new church at Pentecost - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Jesus and His mother - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

In the beginning God... - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

The call to discipleship - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

Kingdom Identity - Spencer Lamula (Video)(Notes)

The diversity of believers - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)

Loving God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

The hope of believers - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

Unity of believers - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)

In the world, but not of it - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

Filled with the joy of Jesus - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)

Protected by Jesus - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)

Glorifying Jesus - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

Obedience to His word - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

Knowing God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

Death is defeated; reigning in life - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

My death He died - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 5MB)(Notes)

The promise of the sacrifice on Mount Moriah - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

Being stewards of God's grace - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

Living a productive life - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

God is the God of the nations - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 5MB)(Notes)

The presence of Jesus reveals three types of people - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 5MB)(Notes)

The purpose of the incarnation of Christ - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

Our spiritual blessings in Christ: Unity in Christ - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 5MB)(Notes)

Our spiritual blessings in Christ: A sure hope - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 5MB)(Notes)

Our spiritual blessings in Christ: A place of belonging - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

Our spiritual blessings in Christ: A new start - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

Our spiritual blessings in Christ: Chosen before the creation of the world -  Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

Our spiritual blessings in Christ -  Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)

Touching the harassed and helpless -  Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

Do you believe that Jesus is able? -  Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

Leaning on God in tough times -  Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

So now I am saved - what now -  Johan Naude (Video)(Notes)

New life, new ways -  Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

Mingling with sinners -  Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

Helping others find grace in times of need -  Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

Who is this man? Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 5MB)(Notes)

The revolutonary healing - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 7MB)

How much does Jesus mean to you? - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7mb)(Notes)

A father's joy - Alan Wainwright (MP3)(Notes)

Finding Faith in unexpected places - Alan Wainwright (MP3)(Notes)

The promise of Pentecost - Alan Wainwright (MP3)(Notes)

The divine exchange - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 11MB)

Loving the unlovable - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

Characteristics of a healthy church - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)

Three truths of the Gospel message - Damien Ras (MP3 - 6MB)

Walking with Jesus wherever He goes - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

The implications of the resurrection - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

The theologian on the cross - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 8MB)

From prisoners of despair to prisoners of hope - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

Faith in the midst of anguish - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)

Why do bad things happen to good people? - John Naude (MP3 - 8MB)

Waiting on God - Kevin Walker (MP3 - 10MB)

The Gospel according to Mary - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 10MB)

The process of reconciliation - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)

Communal reconciliation - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)

Examine yourselves to see whether you're in the faith - Johan Naude (MP3 - 6MB)

Be reconciled to one another - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

Be reconciled to God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

Blessed are the peacemakers - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)

God always makes a way - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)

Running with God's vision - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)

Joy and strength in the Lord - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)

Jesus: the firstborn over all Creation - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB) (Notes)

How we ought to treat others - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The inseparableness of life and doctrine - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Be careful not to abandon the faith - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)

The importance of right conduct and right foundations - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The character of a church leader - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)

The roles and functions of church leaders - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 20MB) (Notes)

Men and women in worship - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

The three ways to eternity - Johan Naude (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Is your name covered by the blood of Jesus? - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 23MB)

Salvation to godliness and holiness - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Fighting life's battles - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The abundant grace of God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 20MB) (Notes)

True love protects and confronts - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Buidling on firm foundations part 2 - Spencer Lamula (Video)

Buidling on firm foundations - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

A choice of two roads - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Earnest prayer - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

To judge or not to judge - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Eternal treasure and temporal provision - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 19MB) (Notes)

For we are family - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 20MB)

Missions - Johan Naude (MP3 - 20MB)

How then should we pray? The Lord's prayer - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 19MB) (Notes)

Prayer and fasting - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 19MB) (Notes)

Selfless generosity - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Godly responses to antagonistic people - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Just be honest at all times - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 12MB) (Notes)

Until death do us part, with exceptions - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

A living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Reckless love - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 11MB)

Overcoming the root of anger - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Freed from legalism - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

Baptised into the body of Christ - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Salt and light - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The way of divine joy - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

It's easier for a rich man to enter heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 15MB)

Called to follow Jesus - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Temptation - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Preparing ourselves for the kingdom of God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Various attitudes towards Jesus - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Responding to the unexpected in our lives - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

The working of God in our past - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

How well do you know Jesus? - Johan Naude (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Reconciliation: the heart of Jesus' coming - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

Peace to those with whom God is pleased - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

God's unique workings in our lives - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The reason Jesus was born - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

God prepared the world for the Messiah - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Bless those who persecute you - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 21MB)

The church and the nations - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

The church and the local community - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

The church - a caring community of believers - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 20MB) (Notes)

A family of believers - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)

The Shepherd and the sheep - Alan Wainwright (Notes)

Diversity in the body of Christ: socio-economic - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Diversity in the body of Christ: personality and gifting - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Diversity in the body of Christ: multicultural - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 20MB) (Notes)

What must I do to be saved? - Johan Naude (MP3 - 25MB) (Notes)

Going on to maturity - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Living God glorifying lives - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Rejoice in suffering - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 23MB)

The disciples of Jesus: Paul, the transformed religious fanatic - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The disciples of Jesus: Judas, the betrayer - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The disciples of Jesus: Thomas, the doubter - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 12MB) (Notes)

The disciples of Jesus: James, the martyr - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The disciples of Jesus: Peter, the impulsive apostle - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The disciples of Jesus:John, the disciple whom Jesus loved - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 11MB) (Notes)

The disciples of Jesus: introduction - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Do not ignore such great a salvation - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 22MB)

Our confidence in God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The testimony of God about Jesus - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Traits of rebirth 2 - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Traits of rebirth - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Remember Lot's wife - Johan Naude (MP3 - 18MB)

Faith is superior to reason - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Knowing the power of the resurrection - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The Prodigal Father - Spencer Lamula  (MP3 - 26MB)

Weights of the heart: pride - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)

Weights of the heart: discontentment - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Weights of the heart: bitterness and resentment - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Overcoming doubt with faith - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 10MB) (Notes)

Weights of the heart: depression - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Weights of the heart: fear and anxiety - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

From barrenness to fruitfulness - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Weights of the heart: Shame - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

A voice in the wilderness - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The annunciation of the awaited Messiah - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

The baptisms of John and Jesus - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Witnesses to the ends of the earth - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)

Being salt and light in the world - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Meditating on the scriptures - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Diligently search the scriptures - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The guidance of the scriptures - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The Bible: The usefulness of scripture - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

The authority of the Bible - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Standing in the gap: Intercession - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

Prayer and relationships - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Closet prayer - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Finding refuge in the Lord - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The importance of fellowship - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Pentecost, an undoing of Babel - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 8MB) (Notes)

The church in troubled times - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 12MB) (Notes)

Worship included

Disciplines of the Christian life: The effects of prayer - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 10MB) (Notes)

Disciplines of the Christian life: Prayer - a seeking after God - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

There is a man - Spencer Lamula  (MP3 - 22MB)

Disciplines of the Christian life: Corporate Worship - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Disciplines of the Christian life: Worship as a lifestyle - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The disciplined Christian life - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The condition of our hearts - the fruitful heart - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The condition of our hearts - the distracted heart - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The condition of our hearts - the superficial heart - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The condition of our hearts - the hard heart - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Promises and warnings - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Going on to maturity - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)

The fulness of time - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Shepherds, Angels and a Baby - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Finding Jesus from afar- Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The divine forecast - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Responsibilities in the church - Gilbert Fortuin  (MP3 - 15MB)

Test the spirits - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The kingdom quality of love - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Living as children of God - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Sifting truth from falsehood - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

Overcoming the world - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Non-prejudicial relationships - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Integrity in relationships - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

An experiential relationship - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Being a church with a vision - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Spiritual gifts - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)

A Messenger of Good News - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

Defending and advancing the Gospel - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Self-control in the face of temptation - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

The years of my pilgrimage - Peter Vumisa  (Notes)

Evident gentleness - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Faithfulness - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Taste and see that the Lord is good - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 11MB) (Notes)

Restorative kindness - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

The patience of the Lord and our patience - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

Peace with God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The joy of the Lord is your strength - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 11MB) (Notes)

Love - the very nature of God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Freedom in the Spirit - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The manifold wisdom of God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

The Heart of Pentecost - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The Lord is good - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The Lord is my satisfaction - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The Lord is my sustenance - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Moving on to fruitfulness - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The Resurrection of Christ - Shayne de Lange (MP3 - 19MB)

A Commission, Doubt, and Faith - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The marks of faith in the resurrection - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

Soldiers, a sign and a son at the cross - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

A humble king and fickle praise - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Jesus, Jerusalem and Judgment - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 10MB) (Notes)

The Lord is my Protector - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The Lord is my Guide - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The Lord is my Comforter - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The Lord is my Provider - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The Lord is my Shepherd - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Upholding the righteousness of God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The compassionate Christ - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The contrasting nature of God: The Lion and the Lamb - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The call to relationship with God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The call to follow Jesus - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Fix you eyes on Jesus - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

God prepared the world for the Messiah - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Christmas: a time of comfort - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 11MB) (Notes)

The call to discipleship - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Relating to God and man - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

Christians and slavery - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)

Godly family relationships - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Living lives hidden in Christ - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

A Christ  centred reality  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Fullness in Christ  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Rooted in Christ  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Servants of the Church  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The deliverer and the deliverance  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Rescued from the dominion of darkness  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Anticipating trials  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

The wicked thrive and the righteous suffer  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

A cry for justice  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Adam: The pattern of Christ - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Adam: Consequences of disobedience - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Adam: The temptation of man - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Real Christian life - Peter Vumisa (MP3 - 22MB)

Adam: The morality of man - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Adam: The purpose of man - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Overcoming despondency - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)

Perseverance - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

God's treasured possession - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

From idolatry to serving the living and true God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

The diverse church - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)

The new church at Pentecost - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Jesus and His mother - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

In the beginning God... - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

Knowing the power of the resurrection - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The Prodigal Father - Spencer Lamula  (MP3 - 26MB)

Weights of the heart: pride - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)

Weights of the heart: discontentment - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Weights of the heart: bitterness and resentment - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Overcoming doubt with faith - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 10MB) (Notes)

Weights of the heart: depression - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Weights of the heart: fear and anxiety - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

From barrenness to fruitfulness - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Weights of the heart: Shame - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

A voice in the wilderness - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The annunciation of the awaited Messiah - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

The baptisms of John and Jesus - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Witnesses to the ends of the earth - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)

Being salt and light in the world - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Meditating on the scriptures - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Diligently search the scriptures - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The guidance of the scriptures - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The Bible: The usefulness of scripture - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

The authority of the Bible - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Standing in the gap: Intercession - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

Prayer and relationships - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Closet prayer - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Finding refuge in the Lord - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The importance of fellowship - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Pentecost, an undoing of Babel - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 8MB) (Notes)

The church in troubled times - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 12MB) (Notes)

Worship included

Disciplines of the Christian life: The effects of prayer - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 10MB) (Notes)

Disciplines of the Christian life: Prayer - a seeking after God - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

There is a man - Spencer Lamula  (MP3 - 22MB)

Disciplines of the Christian life: Corporate Worship - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Disciplines of the Christian life: Worship as a lifestyle - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The disciplined Christian life - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The condition of our hearts - the fruitful heart - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The condition of our hearts - the distracted heart - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The condition of our hearts - the superficial heart - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The condition of our hearts - the hard heart - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Promises and warnings - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Going on to maturity - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)

The fulness of time - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Shepherds, Angels and a Baby - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Finding Jesus from afar- Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The divine forecast - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Responsibilities in the church - Gilbert Fortuin  (MP3 - 15MB)

Test the spirits - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The kingdom quality of love - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Living as children of God - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Sifting truth from falsehood - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

Overcoming the world - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Non-prejudicial relationships - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Integrity in relationships - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

An experiential relationship - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Being a church with a vision - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Spiritual gifts - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)

A Messenger of Good News - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

Defending and advancing the Gospel - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Self-control in the face of temptation - Alan Wainwright  (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

The years of my pilgrimage - Peter Vumisa  (Notes)

Evident gentleness - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Faithfulness - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Taste and see that the Lord is good - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 11MB) (Notes)

Restorative kindness - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

The patience of the Lord and our patience - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

Peace with God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The joy of the Lord is your strength - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 11MB) (Notes)

Love - the very nature of God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Freedom in the Spirit - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The manifold wisdom of God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

The Heart of Pentecost - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The Lord is good - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The Lord is my satisfaction - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The Lord is my sustenance - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Moving on to fruitfulness - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The Resurrection of Christ - Shayne de Lange (MP3 - 19MB)

A Commission, Doubt, and Faith - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The marks of faith in the resurrection - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

Soldiers, a sign and a son at the cross - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

A humble king and fickle praise - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Jesus, Jerusalem and Judgment - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 10MB) (Notes)

The Lord is my Protector - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The Lord is my Guide - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The Lord is my Comforter - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The Lord is my Provider - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The Lord is my Shepherd - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Upholding the righteousness of God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

The compassionate Christ - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

The contrasting nature of God: The Lion and the Lamb - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The call to relationship with God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The call to follow Jesus - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Fix you eyes on Jesus - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

God prepared the world for the Messiah - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Christmas: a time of comfort - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 11MB) (Notes)

The call to discipleship - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Relating to God and man - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

Christians and slavery - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)

Godly family relationships - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Living lives hidden in Christ - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

A Christ  centred reality  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Fullness in Christ  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Rooted in Christ  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 16MB) (Notes)

Servants of the Church  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

The deliverer and the deliverance  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Rescued from the dominion of darkness  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Anticipating trials  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

The wicked thrive and the righteous suffer  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

A cry for justice  - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Adam: The pattern of Christ - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Adam: Consequences of disobedience - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Adam: The temptation of man - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Real Christian life - Peter Vumisa (MP3 - 22MB)

Adam: The morality of man - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

Adam: The purpose of man - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 15MB) (Notes)

Overcoming despondency - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)

Perseverance - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

God's treasured possession - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

From idolatry to serving the living and true God - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 17MB) (Notes)

The diverse church - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 18MB) (Notes)

The new church at Pentecost - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 14MB) (Notes)

Jesus and His mother - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)

In the beginning God... - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 13MB) (Notes)