Jesus came to bring peace, or the sword? - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)
To test God or not to test God? - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)
Do good works in public or in secret? - Alan Wainwright (Video)(Notes)
Justified by faith or by works? - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)
The vocation of man - Spencer Lamula (Video)
God and little gods - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)
Change things with your words - Farai M K Sithole (Video)
The old has passed away, the new has come - Johan Naude (Video)
Topinda joy (Enter into joy) - Spencer Lamula (Video)
Godly jealousy - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)
Righteous anger and holy discontentment - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)
The Lord is the God of our future - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)
The Lord’s Prayer - Spencer Lamula (Video)
Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem - Johan Naude (Video)
Christmas: a child's holiday - Spencer Lamula (Video)
Why Jesus was born of a virgin - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)(Notes)
Discipleship praxis - Spencer Lamula (Video)
The effects of sin vs the power of the blood of Jesus - Johan Naude (Video)(Notes)
Passing the baton - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)
Breaking the power of the past - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 9MB)(Notes)
Love: the measure of spiritual maturity - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)
Discovering the treasures in grief and loss - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 7MB)(Notes)
My sheep hear my voice - Graham Barlin (Video)
Embracing God's limits on your life - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)
Knowing the true Jesus - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 8MB)(Notes)
Being before doing - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 5MB)(Notes)
The Bible of Israel - Spencer Lamula (Video)
The revolutonary healing - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 7MB)
The divine exchange - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 11MB)
Three truths of the Gospel message - Damien Ras (MP3 - 6MB)
The theologian on the cross - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 8MB)
Why do bad things happen to good people? - John Naude (MP3 - 8MB)
Waiting on God - Kevin Walker (MP3 - 10MB)
The Gospel according to Mary - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 10MB)
Examine yourselves to see whether you're in the faith - Johan Naude (MP3 - 6MB)
Joy and strength in the Lord - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)
Is your name covered by the blood of Jesus? - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 23MB)
Buidling on firm foundations part 2 - Spencer Lamula (Video)
For we are family - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 20MB)
Missions - Johan Naude (MP3 - 20MB)
Reckless love - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 11MB)
It's easier for a rich man to enter heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 15MB)
Bless those who persecute you - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 21MB)
The Shepherd and the sheep - Alan Wainwright (Notes)
Rejoice in suffering - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 23MB)
Do not ignore such great a salvation - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 22MB)
Remember Lot's wife - Johan Naude (MP3 - 18MB)
The Prodigal Father - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 26MB)
There is a man - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 22MB)
Responsibilities in the church - Gilbert Fortuin (MP3 - 15MB)
The years of my pilgrimage - Peter Vumisa (Notes)
The Resurrection of Christ - Shayne de Lange (MP3 - 19MB)
Real Christian life - Peter Vumisa (MP3 - 22MB)
The revolutonary healing - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 7MB)
The divine exchange - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 11MB)
Three truths of the Gospel message - Damien Ras (MP3 - 6MB)
The theologian on the cross - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 8MB)
Why do bad things happen to good people? - John Naude (MP3 - 8MB)
Waiting on God - Kevin Walker (MP3 - 10MB)
The Gospel according to Mary - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 10MB)
Examine yourselves to see whether you're in the faith - Johan Naude (MP3 - 6MB)
Joy and strength in the Lord - Alan Wainwright (MP3 - 6MB)
Is your name covered by the blood of Jesus? - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 23MB)
Buidling on firm foundations part 2 - Spencer Lamula (Video)
For we are family - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 20MB)
Missions - Johan Naude (MP3 - 20MB)
Reckless love - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 11MB)
It's easier for a rich man to enter heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 15MB)
Bless those who persecute you - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 21MB)
The Shepherd and the sheep - Alan Wainwright (Notes)
Rejoice in suffering - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 23MB)
Do not ignore such great a salvation - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 22MB)
Remember Lot's wife - Johan Naude (MP3 - 18MB)
The Prodigal Father - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 26MB)
There is a man - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 22MB)
Responsibilities in the church - Gilbert Fortuin (MP3 - 15MB)
The years of my pilgrimage - Peter Vumisa (Notes)
The Resurrection of Christ - Shayne de Lange (MP3 - 19MB)
Real Christian life - Peter Vumisa (MP3 - 22MB)
The Prodigal Father - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 26MB)
There is a man - Spencer Lamula (MP3 - 22MB)
Responsibilities in the church - Gilbert Fortuin (MP3 - 15MB)
The years of my pilgrimage - Peter Vumisa (Notes)
The Resurrection of Christ - Shayne de Lange (MP3 - 19MB)
Real Christian life - Peter Vumisa (MP3 - 22MB)